Training Courses
Why choose Medic 1 courses
Our training department is headed up by our Training Development Officer, whose role is to ensure quality control and work closely with our Clinical Lead to ensure that content is up to date and relevant. Everyone’s circumstances are different and so it is important to provide you with the course that best suits your needs.First Aid at Work is suitable for first aiders in the workplace, but also anyone who wishes to have vital first aid skills. The fact is we never know when someone near us may have an accident or become ill. First Aid buys vital time to get help, such as an ambulance, should the need arise.
More DetailsThe First Aid at Work Requalification course is suitable for first aiders in the workplace, or anyone who wishes to keep their FAW up to date. To attend this course, you must hold current in date FAW qualification.
More DetailsThis course is part of a suite of progressive qualifications. It is a nationally recognised qualification providing learners with the opportunity to progress to Level six, which is a diploma in Paramedic Practice.
More DetailsAccreditation

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