Pudsey Open Days

First Aid & Event Medical Cover
As you can imagine this kind of event is varied and of course, depends on the type of venue that has “Opened” its doors to allow access and viewing, that is not an everyday occurrence.

Do you need medical cover?

Examples of Open Days attended by Medic 1 include Universities, Hospitals & other care facilities and large shopping complexes.

Each event is unique, but all event organisers have a duty to ensure the health and safety of its visitors and staff. This can be achieved by engaging appropriate event medical services. Medic 1 offers a bespoke service that takes into account all factors that contribute to the safe and effective care of all involved in your event, such as risk factors including, the event venue and surrounding area, activities taking place and the event demographic.

Medic 1 crews are experienced in dealing with patients at events; we assess, monitor and treat on site, when appropriate. If an emergency dictates that a patient must be transported off-site, we will work with your team to ensure that there is minimum disruption to your event.

Prior to changes in the advisory guidelines and consultation with the HSE, organisers may have had little or no first aid provision, relying on the NHS Ambulance Service to attend an emergency. It is well documented that the ambulance service is often working at or above capacity and even 999 calls cannot always be answered in a timely manner. For that reason, event safety guides now state that each event should ensure its own medical provision is in place and not rely on the NHS.

Our service

We are able to offer a bespoke service to event organisers, taking away the stress and often time-consuming hard work that is involved in organising medical provision at their event. Our experienced team know just the right questions to ask to ensure an accurate initial risk assessment is undertaken, which will then allow our clinical leads to determine the correct level of resources needed. This risk assessment takes a variety of factors into account, including the venue/location in which the event is being held, previous casualty data, and also the event’s demographic. With our dedicated expert team on hand, we can produce a finalised quote within a very short space of time, and all at no cost to the client.


Should you, as a client wish to proceed with that quote, we can also assist in the planning of your event by attending SAG meetings if required and by completing a finalised medical risk assessment and medical plan, to ensure your event is resourced accurately and is in line with the latest Health & Safety regulations and Purple Guide recommendations. We fully understand that circumstances can change, and so a re-evaluation of the risk assessment may be required at some point. This is no problem at all; we will work with you in making any amendments needed to ensure that medical cover is, once again, suitable to your needs. This may result in the level of resources being altered, which may also cause an alteration to the original cost, however, this will be discussed fully with you and confirmed at the time.


Following on from our team’s shift, we are happy to attend any debrief meetings. We also provide you with a detailed medical report, including a comprehensive (anonymised) breakdown of the number of patients treated, the types of illnesses/injuries sustained throughout the shift, and also any feedback and recommendations from the team who attended.

Our resources

Every member of our highly skilled team are experienced in assessing, treating and monitoring patients on site where appropriate, and also in assessing when a patient requires additional treatment at a hospital. Medic 1 cover a wide variety of events and venues and are fully trained in de-escalation and communicating with intoxicated patients. We have a variety of resources available and, depending on the outcome of your event’s risk assessment, you may be provided with, or request, any of the following:

How can we help? For more information or to request a quote please call us on 0845 00 44 999. Lines are open 09:00 to 17:30 daily.
Alternatively you can contact us at contact@medic1.co.uk or fill in the contact form.

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